IRTP-500LS infrared thermometer IRTP-500LS红外线测温仪
RTP500LS series infrared thermometer technology parameters
IRTP500LS series infrared thermometer IRTP500L series is the upgrading of products, more than the distance coefficient, increase the 0.5m wiring standard products, heat source distance measurement in the same specifications, has won wide acclaim from customers. It combined with the two time table, not only can the field output measurement temperature, but also according to the customer's request to set the upper and lower alarm temperature point, realize the automatic control of the temperature.
应用领域:工业用非接触温度测量用于金属玻璃塑料造纸等 轴承温度测量;电气设备:电缆接头、开关柜、变压器和电气面板的故障监测等;汽车、微波炉空调、燃气灶具等产品.
型 号:IRTP500LS
测温范围: -20-100°C 0-150°C 0-250°C 0-300°C 0-500°C (定货时需说明)
环境温度: -10- 70 °C
储存温度: -20-100 °C
响应时间:300ms50ms8ms (定货时需说明)
距离系数: 15 :1
封 装:不锈钢封装.
电 源: 24VDC
安装尺寸: M18mm X 108 mm (L)
信号输出: 标准4-20mA 0-5V RS485(定货时需说明)
标准包装: 红外探头带两个安装螺母1.5米长电缆
选购件: 安装支架可调安装支架,保护套 吹扫器等.